Speed Race


Speed Race is the name of new strength testing device. The device premiere took place at the company's stand during ATEI 2007 trade fair in London. It is the modern version of the strength testing device used formerly in amusement parks and funfairs. Electronic version of the device is equipped with load in the shape of car. As befits the 21st century, car pushing strength measurement is realised by electronic sensors and presented on multicoloured matrix display. Additionally, to make the Speed Racer more attractive, the interactive light ruler is installed along the car movement path. Besides the strength measurement also the best result is presented on the display and the record beating entry input is enabled. To adapt the device even more to the modern times, the company invented, that the car pushed by the competitor crashes in the end of the tunnel path and the device measures the car speed when it hits the wall.

The Speed Race device was awarded for the best recreation-entertainment product by SUREXPO 2009 Competition Jury!!


  Sam Linares Home Teleskopik       Madlo krátké

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